Source code for pythonfinder.models.python

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path, WindowsPath
from typing import (

from packaging.version import Version
from pydantic import Field, validator

from ..environment import ASDF_DATA_DIR, PYENV_ROOT, SYSTEM_ARCH
from ..exceptions import InvalidPythonVersion
from ..utils import (
from .common import FinderBaseModel
from .mixins import PathEntry

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PythonFinder(PathEntry): root: Path # should come before versions, because its value is used in versions's default initializer. #: Whether to ignore any paths which raise exceptions and are not actually python ignore_unsupported: bool = True #: Glob path for python versions off of the root directory version_glob_path: str = "versions/*" #: The function to use to sort version order when returning an ordered version set sort_function: Optional[Callable] = None #: The root locations used for discovery roots: Dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict()) #: List of paths discovered during search paths: List = Field(default_factory=lambda: list()) #: Versions discovered in the specified paths _versions: Dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict()) pythons_ref: Dict = Field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict())
[docs] class Config: validate_assignment = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True allow_mutation = True include_private_attributes = True
# keep_untouched = (cached_property,) @property def version_paths(self) -> Any: return self._versions.values() @property def is_pyenv(self) -> bool: return is_in_path(str(self.root), PYENV_ROOT) @property def is_asdf(self) -> bool: return is_in_path(str(self.root), ASDF_DATA_DIR)
[docs] def get_version_order(self) -> list[Path]: version_paths = [ p for p in self.root.glob(self.version_glob_path) if not ( == "envs" or == "envs") ] versions = { v for v in version_paths} version_order = [] if self.is_pyenv: version_order = [ versions[v] for v in parse_pyenv_version_order() if v in versions ] elif self.is_asdf: version_order = [ versions[v] for v in parse_asdf_version_order() if v in versions ] for version in version_order: if version in version_paths: version_paths.remove(version) if version_order: version_order += version_paths else: version_order = version_paths return version_order
[docs] def get_bin_dir(self, base) -> Path: if isinstance(base, str): base = Path(base) if == "nt": return base return base / "bin"
[docs] @classmethod def version_from_bin_dir(cls, entry) -> PathEntry | None: py_version = next(iter(entry.find_all_python_versions()), None) return py_version
def _iter_version_bases(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Path, PathEntry]]: for p in self.get_version_order(): bin_dir = self.get_bin_dir(p) if bin_dir.exists() and bin_dir.is_dir(): entry = PathEntry.create( path=bin_dir.absolute(), only_python=False,, is_root=True ) self.roots[p] = entry yield (p, entry) def _iter_versions(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Path, PathEntry, tuple]]: for base_path, entry in self._iter_version_bases(): version = None version_entry = None try: version = PythonVersion.parse( except (ValueError, InvalidPythonVersion): version_entry = next(iter(entry.find_all_python_versions()), None) if version is None: if not self.ignore_unsupported: raise continue if version_entry is not None: version = version_entry.py_version.as_dict() except Exception: if not self.ignore_unsupported: raise logger.warning( "Unsupported Python version %r, ignoring...",, exc_info=True, ) continue if version is not None: version_tuple = ( version.get("major"), version.get("minor"), version.get("patch"), version.get("is_prerelease"), version.get("is_devrelease"), version.get("is_debug"), ) yield (base_path, entry, version_tuple) @property def versions(self) -> DefaultDict[tuple, PathEntry]: if not self._versions: for _, entry, version_tuple in self._iter_versions(): self._versions[version_tuple] = entry return self._versions def _iter_pythons(self) -> Iterator: for path, entry, version_tuple in self._iter_versions(): if path.as_posix() in self._pythons: yield self._pythons[path.as_posix()] elif version_tuple not in self.versions: for python in entry.find_all_python_versions(): yield python else: yield self.versions[version_tuple]
[docs] @validator("paths", pre=True, always=True) def get_paths(cls, v) -> list[PathEntry]: if v is not None: return v _paths = [base for _, base in cls._iter_version_bases()] return _paths
@property def pythons(self) -> dict: if not self.pythons_ref: from .path import PathEntry self.pythons_ref = defaultdict(PathEntry) for python in self._iter_pythons(): python_path = python.path.as_posix() self.pythons_ref[python_path] = python return self.pythons_ref @pythons.setter def pythons(self, value) -> None: self.pythons_ref = value
[docs] def get_pythons(self) -> DefaultDict[str, PathEntry]: return self.pythons
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, root, sort_function, version_glob_path=None, ignore_unsupported=True ) -> PythonFinder: root = ensure_path(root) if not version_glob_path: version_glob_path = "versions/*" return cls( root=root, path=root, ignore_unsupported=ignore_unsupported, sort_function=sort_function, version_glob_path=version_glob_path, )
[docs] def find_all_python_versions( self, major: str | int | None = None, minor: int | None = None, patch: int | None = None, pre: bool | None = None, dev: bool | None = None, arch: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> list[PathEntry]: """Search for a specific python version on the path. Return all copies :param major: Major python version to search for. :type major: int :param int minor: Minor python version to search for, defaults to None :param int patch: Patch python version to search for, defaults to None :param bool pre: Search for prereleases (default None) - prioritize releases if None :param bool dev: Search for devreleases (default None) - prioritize releases if None :param str arch: Architecture to include, e.g. '64bit', defaults to None :param str name: The name of a python version, e.g. ``anaconda3-5.3.0`` :return: A list of :class:`~pythonfinder.models.PathEntry` instances matching the version requested. """ call_method = "find_all_python_versions" if self.is_dir else "find_python_version" def sub_finder(path): return getattr(path, call_method)(major, minor, patch, pre, dev, arch, name) if not any([major, minor, patch, name]): pythons = [ next(iter(py for py in base.find_all_python_versions()), None) for _, base in self._iter_version_bases() ] else: pythons = [sub_finder(path) for path in self.paths] pythons = expand_paths(pythons, True) def version_sort(py): return py.as_python.version_sort paths = [ p for p in sorted(pythons, key=version_sort, reverse=True) if p is not None ] return paths
[docs] def find_python_version( self, major: str | int | None = None, minor: int | None = None, patch: int | None = None, pre: bool | None = None, dev: bool | None = None, arch: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> PathEntry | None: """Search or self for the specified Python version and return the first match. :param major: Major version number. :type major: int :param int minor: Minor python version to search for, defaults to None :param int patch: Patch python version to search for, defaults to None :param bool pre: Search for prereleases (default None) - prioritize releases if None :param bool dev: Search for devreleases (default None) - prioritize releases if None :param str arch: Architecture to include, e.g. '64bit', defaults to None :param str name: The name of a python version, e.g. ``anaconda3-5.3.0`` :returns: A :class:`~pythonfinder.models.PathEntry` instance matching the version requested. """ def sub_finder(obj): return obj.find_python_version(major, minor, patch, pre, dev, arch, name) def version_sort(path_entry): return path_entry.as_python.version_sort unnested = [sub_finder(self.roots[path]) for path in self.roots] unnested = [ p for p in unnested if p is not None and p.is_python and p.as_python is not None ] paths = sorted(list(unnested), key=version_sort, reverse=True) return next(iter(p for p in paths if p is not None), None)
[docs] def which(self, name) -> PathEntry | None: """Search in this path for an executable. :param executable: The name of an executable to search for. :type executable: str :returns: :class:`~pythonfinder.models.PathEntry` instance. """ matches = (p.which(name) for p in self.paths) non_empty_match = next(iter(m for m in matches if m is not None), None) return non_empty_match
[docs]class PythonVersion(FinderBaseModel): major: int = 0 minor: Optional[int] = None patch: Optional[int] = None is_prerelease: bool = False is_postrelease: bool = False is_devrelease: bool = False is_debug: bool = False version: Optional[Version] = None architecture: Optional[str] = None comes_from: Optional["PathEntry"] = None executable: Optional[Union[str, WindowsPath, Path]] = None company: Optional[str] = None name: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class Config: validate_assignment = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True allow_mutation = True include_private_attributes = True
# keep_untouched = (cached_property,) def __getattribute__(self, key): result = super().__getattribute__(key) if key in ["minor", "patch"] and result is None: executable = None if self.executable: executable = self.executable elif self.comes_from: executable = self.comes_from.path.as_posix() if executable is not None: if not isinstance(executable, str): executable = executable.as_posix() instance_dict = self.parse_executable(executable) for k in instance_dict.keys(): try: super().__getattribute__(k) except AttributeError: continue else: setattr(self, k, instance_dict[k]) result = instance_dict.get(key) return result @property def version_sort(self) -> tuple[int, int, int | None, int, int]: """ A tuple for sorting against other instances of the same class. Returns a tuple of the python version but includes points for core python, non-dev, and non-prerelease versions. So released versions will have 2 points for this value. E.g. ``(1, 3, 6, 6, 2)`` is a release, ``(1, 3, 6, 6, 1)`` is a prerelease, ``(1, 3, 6, 6, 0)`` is a dev release, and ``(1, 3, 6, 6, 3)`` is a postrelease. ``(0, 3, 7, 3, 2)`` represents a non-core python release, e.g. by a repackager of python like Continuum. """ company_sort = 1 if ( and == "PythonCore") else 0 release_sort = 2 if self.is_postrelease: release_sort = 3 elif self.is_prerelease: release_sort = 1 elif self.is_devrelease: release_sort = 0 elif self.is_debug: release_sort = 1 return ( company_sort, self.major, self.minor, self.patch if self.patch else 0, release_sort, ) @property def version_tuple(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, bool, bool, bool]: """ Provides a version tuple for using as a dictionary key. :return: A tuple describing the python version meetadata contained. """ return ( self.major, self.minor, self.patch, self.is_prerelease, self.is_devrelease, self.is_debug, )
[docs] def matches( self, major: int | None = None, minor: int | None = None, patch: int | None = None, pre: bool = False, dev: bool = False, arch: str | None = None, debug: bool = False, python_name: str | None = None, ) -> bool: result = False if arch: own_arch = self.get_architecture() if arch.isdigit(): arch = f"{arch}bit" if ( (major is None or self.major == major) and (minor is None or self.minor == minor) and (patch is None or self.patch == patch) and (pre is None or self.is_prerelease == pre) and (dev is None or self.is_devrelease == dev) and (arch is None or own_arch == arch) and (debug is None or self.is_debug == debug) and ( python_name is None or (python_name and and ( == python_name or ) ): result = True return result
[docs] def as_major(self) -> PythonVersion: self.minor = None self.patch = None return self
[docs] def as_minor(self) -> PythonVersion: self.patch = None return self
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, int | bool | Version | None]: return { "major": self.major, "minor": self.minor, "patch": self.patch, "is_prerelease": self.is_prerelease, "is_postrelease": self.is_postrelease, "is_devrelease": self.is_devrelease, "is_debug": self.is_debug, "version": self.version, "company":, }
[docs] def update_metadata(self, metadata) -> None: """ Update the metadata on the current :class:`pythonfinder.models.python.PythonVersion` Given a parsed version dictionary from :func:`pythonfinder.utils.parse_python_version`, update the instance variables of the current version instance to reflect the newly supplied values. """ for key in metadata: try: _ = getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: continue else: setattr(self, key, metadata[key])
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, version) -> dict[str, str | int | Version]: """ Parse a valid version string into a dictionary Raises: ValueError -- Unable to parse version string ValueError -- Not a valid python version TypeError -- NoneType or unparsable type passed in :param str version: A valid version string :return: A dictionary with metadata about the specified python version. """ if version is None: raise TypeError("Must pass a value to parse!") version_dict = parse_python_version(str(version)) if not version_dict: raise ValueError("Not a valid python version: %r" % version) return version_dict
[docs] def get_architecture(self) -> str: if self.architecture: return self.architecture arch = None if self.comes_from is not None: arch, _ = platform.architecture(self.comes_from.path.as_posix()) elif self.executable is not None: arch, _ = platform.architecture(self.executable) if arch is None: arch, _ = platform.architecture(sys.executable) self.architecture = arch return self.architecture
[docs] @classmethod def from_path( cls, path, name=None, ignore_unsupported=True, company=None ) -> PythonVersion: """ Parses a python version from a system path. Raises: ValueError -- Not a valid python path :param path: A string or :class:`~pythonfinder.models.path.PathEntry` :type path: str or :class:`~pythonfinder.models.path.PathEntry` instance :param str name: Name of the python distribution in question :param bool ignore_unsupported: Whether to ignore or error on unsupported paths. :param Optional[str] company: The company or vendor packaging the distribution. :return: An instance of a PythonVersion. """ from ..environment import IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED ignore_unsupported = ignore_unsupported or IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED path_name = getattr(path, "name", # str if not path.is_python: if not (ignore_unsupported or IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED): raise ValueError("Not a valid python path: %s" % path.path) try: instance_dict = cls.parse(path_name) except Exception: instance_dict = cls.parse_executable(path.path.absolute().as_posix()) else: if instance_dict.get("minor") is None and looks_like_python( instance_dict = cls.parse_executable(path.path.absolute().as_posix()) if ( not isinstance(instance_dict.get("version"), Version) and not ignore_unsupported ): raise ValueError("Not a valid python path: %s" % path) if instance_dict.get("patch") is None: instance_dict = cls.parse_executable(path.path.absolute().as_posix()) if name is None: name = path_name if company is None: company = guess_company(path.path.as_posix()) instance_dict.update( {"comes_from": path, "name": name, "executable": path.path.as_posix()} ) return cls(**instance_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_executable(cls, path) -> dict[str, str | int | Version | None]: result_dict = {} result_version = None if path is None: raise TypeError("Must pass a valid path to parse.") if not isinstance(path, str): path = path.as_posix() # if not looks_like_python(path): # raise ValueError("Path %r does not look like a valid python path" % path) try: result_version = get_python_version(path) except Exception: raise ValueError("Not a valid python path: %r" % path) if result_version is None: raise ValueError("Not a valid python path: %s" % path) result_dict = cls.parse(result_version.strip()) return result_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_windows_launcher( cls, launcher_entry, name=None, company=None ) -> PythonVersion: """Create a new PythonVersion instance from a Windows Launcher Entry :param launcher_entry: A python launcher environment object. :param Optional[str] name: The name of the distribution. :param Optional[str] company: The name of the distributing company. :return: An instance of a PythonVersion. """ creation_dict = cls.parse( base_path = ensure_path("")) default_path = base_path / "python.exe" if not default_path.exists(): default_path = base_path / "Scripts" / "python.exe" exe_path = ensure_path( getattr(, "executable_path", default_path) ) company = getattr(launcher_entry, "company", guess_company(exe_path.as_posix())) creation_dict.update( { "architecture": getattr(, "sys_architecture", SYSTEM_ARCH ), "executable": exe_path, "name": name, "company": company, } ) py_version = cls.create(**creation_dict) comes_from = PathEntry.create(exe_path, only_python=True, name=name) py_version.comes_from = comes_from = return py_version
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs) -> PythonVersion: if "architecture" in kwargs: if kwargs["architecture"].isdigit(): kwargs["architecture"] = "{}bit".format(kwargs["architecture"]) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs]class VersionMap(FinderBaseModel): versions: DefaultDict[ Tuple[int, Optional[int], Optional[int], bool, bool, bool], List[PathEntry] ] = defaultdict(list)
[docs] class Config: validate_assignment = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True allow_mutation = True include_private_attributes = True
# keep_untouched = (cached_property,)
[docs] def add_entry(self, entry) -> None: version = entry.as_python if version: _ = self.versions[version.version_tuple] paths = {p.path for p in self.versions.get(version.version_tuple, [])} if entry.path not in paths: self.versions[version.version_tuple].append(entry)
[docs] def merge(self, target) -> None: for version, entries in target.versions.items(): if version not in self.versions: self.versions[version] = entries else: current_entries = { p.path for p in self.versions[version] if version in self.versions } new_entries = {p.path for p in entries} new_entries -= current_entries self.versions[version].extend( [e for e in entries if e.path in new_entries] )